Sunday, December 7, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

How to teach Men Romance

Women need romance, everyone knows. Especially in a long term relationship, this is very fundamental to keep the fire kindled between the partners. What most women don't know or can't understand is that men really don't need the same amount of romance as they do. This leads to the woman expecting the men to be just as romantic as she is and even to know how to be this romantic.

Well, if you are a woman that is looking for more romance in your relationship, here is the answer. First lets establish one important fact. A man wants to make his woman happy. Therefore, since he already has this desire and you already communicated to him that what you want it more romance, it seems logical he would do just that. The truth is, most man simply don't know how to be romantic. Now you read this and think that this might be the case with your guy, or you are a guy on the search to be more romantic, I got something for both of you.

It would be helpful if the woman would sit down sometime and write down a list of things that make her feel romantic. Then you make sure your man gets the list and his life is going to be a whole lot easier. If you don't have an idea where to start, or you are a guy and want to know some general things that make most women feel romanced, here is a very short and general list:

  1. Bring her Cut Flowers
  2. Be a Good Listener (don't interrupt, look her in the eyes, don't do anything else while she talks, before giving advice ask if it is okay to do so)
  3. Open the door for her (even if you don't do it all the time, do it sometimes)
  4. Wear certain clothes because you know she likes them
  5. Hold her hand when you are walking
  6. Hug her and look into her eyes for a few moments (or a little while)
  7. Give her compliments on the way she looks, how smart she is, what a great friend she is, what a great mate she is (be specific)
  8. Cuddle with her and don't expect anything sexual to follow

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Power of the Firstborn

Well, that firstborns are behaving a little different we all know. They are the bossy ones. They are the ones that love to fill the CEO chair and tell others what to do. Firstborns are the ones that tend to watch out for the others, even keep them together. And now what about the second born, the third born or even the only child. We can say for certain that they all hold their own characteristics.

Now look around you. Try to bring to your mind every couple you know that has been together for a good amound of time. Now it is obvious, isn't it? Firstborns find themselfes firstborns to be with. Secondborns like other second borns and the baby of the family will get together with another baby.

If you don't have a partner right now, go looking for one that suits you. If you are a firstborn, keep looking for another firstborn and the chances will be higher for you two to stick together and get along.