Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Power of the Firstborn

Well, that firstborns are behaving a little different we all know. They are the bossy ones. They are the ones that love to fill the CEO chair and tell others what to do. Firstborns are the ones that tend to watch out for the others, even keep them together. And now what about the second born, the third born or even the only child. We can say for certain that they all hold their own characteristics.

Now look around you. Try to bring to your mind every couple you know that has been together for a good amound of time. Now it is obvious, isn't it? Firstborns find themselfes firstborns to be with. Secondborns like other second borns and the baby of the family will get together with another baby.

If you don't have a partner right now, go looking for one that suits you. If you are a firstborn, keep looking for another firstborn and the chances will be higher for you two to stick together and get along.

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